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The UZH Teaching Fund is an internal UZH funding instrument designed to support anyone involved in teaching at UZH in the realization of innovative teaching projects. The “Future of Teaching at UZH” initiative launched by the Vice President of Education and Student Affairs serves as a guideline, as does the goal of achieving a wide implementation of the UZH Curriculum.
A digital information Session will take place on February 6, 2025 from 12.00-13.00 as part of the Teaching Inspiration Week (Website in German). To participate, please join the Events-Channel of the MS Team Open Channel Education.
The funding line for all UZH instructors who have an innovative didactic idea for a module, course or teaching material.
The funding line for study program directors who want to develop a new flagship study program or didactically develop an existing study program.
The funding line for all UZH professors who wish to offer an inter-/transdisciplinary module open to all students via the School for Transdisciplinary Studies.
The funding line to strengthen international co-creation in teaching at UZH at the module and study program level.
The funding line of the Vice President Education and Student Affairs to promote innovations in teaching that are relevant across UZH.
The funding line for all UZH instructors with spontaneous ideas to give their teaching the final didactic touch.
The funding line for all UZH students who are involved beyond their regular studies.