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Currently there is an open call for proposals in this funding line. The deadline is December 15, 2024.
The call for proposals supports the development of inter-/transdisciplinary flagship courses for the School for Transdisciplinary Studies (STS). Flagship courses serve the further strategic development of the STS’s course portfolio. They address inter-/transdisciplinary topics in which – due to their paramount importance for future societal and economic developments – as many UZH students as possible should be able to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, irrespective of their subject area.
Detailed information about the call can be found here: Call_transdisciplinary_innovation_24 (PDF, 91 KB)
The application form and the budget template can be found here:
Form_transdisciplinary_innovation_24 (DOCX, 79 KB)
Budget template_transdisciplinary_innovation_24 (XLSX, 56 KB)
If you have any questions about the call, eligibility criteria, or funding, please contact the Head of ULF Management Dr. Anna Leupold at
The funding line transdisciplinary_innovation supports the further strategic development of the course portfolio of the School for Transdisciplinary Studies (STS) as an important hub for university-wide inter- and transdisciplinary courses at UZH.
The funding line pursues three funding objectives: